Continuing Education Curriculum—How does this work?

Hello there!

Welcome to your Continuing Education curriculum! If you’re reading this, you are likely part of an agency for which I am the medical director. Condolences.

Part of my goal as medical director is to provide you with high-quality continuing education that not only gets you the credits you need to recertify but provides opportunities to reinforce the things we “should” know while also expanding on topics and subjects that might technically be outside your scope of practice but provide perspective on the care we provide our patients.

With that in mind, I’m creating this curriculum. It’s designed with a few goals and with a few limitations:

  • This provides two “lessons” per month, typically closely related to each other and worth two credit hours each, which over the course of two years, will be more than enough continuing education to recertify your NREMT-Paramedic/Advanced/Basic license.

  • I’m only one person, so I’m leveraging/collating the high-quality resources that already exist in the interwebs while supplementing with as much of my own lectures as possible.

  • This is meant for everyone and all license levels, which means that some of the material may seem more advanced or more basic. Take it in stride, it’s all good to be aware of and I learn something with each lesson I put together.

  • Typically the first lesson will be more foundational and geared towards basic providers, while the second will be more advanced and geared towards advanced providers. I’d encourage you to try them both.

So how does this work?

  1. I’ll send out the curriculum each month. There will be a brief introduction followed by links to get you the materials for each lesson.

  2. Watch the videos included in the links and read through the web pages included.

  3. Once you’ve gone through the resources, click the quiz--this is just a Google form, it’s not graded, but you do need to complete it in order to receive credit.

  4. You will have 6 weeks to complete the materials for that month. At the end of the timeframe, I will submit a Maine EMS CEH roster with the names and license number of everyone who has completed the quizzes.

  5. Sometimes we’ll arrange real-time sessions to be able to chat about some of the material or to ask/answer questions about the stuff we cover. More details on that to come.

This is all new, so if you have thoughts, feelings, feedback, please please share them as often as you can. This is all for you, so if it sucks I need to know.

Thank you for your time and everything you do!



February 2025: Airway